As always, thank you for the excellent summary. I keep reading reports of multiple convos between Musk and Putin; I haven't followed up on whether those have been confirmed. Curious what you think about the possible contact between them.

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Thanks for reminding us that "the arc of the moral universe" has no agency; we humans who do have agency must be the ones doing the bending. Also thanks for your clear and understandable (even by non-wonks such as me) delineation of how Trump's policies benefit Russia. As you note, Trump and Putin don't need to be "in cahoots" for Trump's naturally-acquired illiberal (may I say anti-American) tendencies to aid his BFF.

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Very good, if depressing article.

I can't disagree with any of the substance, but I have to say, however, that I choked a little when I got to this:

". . . paddling hard below the surface to try to keep the ship afloat. . . "

Wow, a triply mixed metaphor, and using immiscible metaphors to boot -- that may be a record.

You can't "paddle below the surface" -- paddling doesn't work under water; you need the air for drawing the paddle back for the next stroke, otherwise no drive.

And you don't paddle to keep a ship afloat -- that doesn't work either. Paddling moves a vessel horizontally along the surface of the water.

But anyway, thanks for the giggle.

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