Whether or not Russians believe the “sanctions aren’t working, Russian economy is fine” story, I meet / communicate with plenty of people who do. Including senior Chinese policy people (not sure why they trust Russian war time economic data more than CCP’s peacetime economic data, but whatcha gonna do?), and just heard Fareed Zakaria making such an argument on the NYTs podcast. There’s certainly a narrative that “sanctions aren’t working, Russian economy is fine” around, albeit one that lacks counterfactuals or real scrutiny of Russian data or the motives behind it.
It's the notorious Carl Schmitt, not some Karl Schmidt.
Aargh. Thanks for catching that. And the thing is, I knew it. I need a copy editor.
Whether or not Russians believe the “sanctions aren’t working, Russian economy is fine” story, I meet / communicate with plenty of people who do. Including senior Chinese policy people (not sure why they trust Russian war time economic data more than CCP’s peacetime economic data, but whatcha gonna do?), and just heard Fareed Zakaria making such an argument on the NYTs podcast. There’s certainly a narrative that “sanctions aren’t working, Russian economy is fine” around, albeit one that lacks counterfactuals or real scrutiny of Russian data or the motives behind it.
puhTYOMkin. I correct anyone who says otherwise.