Thank you for your discussion of Hirschman's "exit, voice, loyalty" theory. It offers a reasonable explanation of the Russian public's quiescence to its government's war crimes and to their own diminished lives resulting from sanctions and Western opprobrium (no more vacations in Europe). Unfortunately, applying that theory to conditions in the US seems to reveal a similar quiescence but neither exit nor voice nor loyalty; many here just can't be bothered to even pay attention.

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Another reason for quietly maintaining the status quo is personal benefit from the existing system, which is deeply and pervasiveness corrupt.

I was amused to see a brief item in a Daily Kos thread about the recent arrest of a Russian General for selling reserve military hardware and parts to paying customers outside Russia. (Some of the sold items were even rumored to find their way to Ukrainian fighters.)

If this sort of behaviour goes on at all levels, who is going to upset the apple cart?

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This is such an interesting article and the first of its kind that I've ever read. I don't know how I came across it but I'm glad I did.

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